In the previous lesson we have already looked at two different discount possibilities. On a feature level and on a Configuration Level. In this lesson, we’re going over the discount possibilities on a Quotation level.
Quotation Discounts
In addition to discount opportunities on Features and Configuration Models, there is also the possibility to set discounts on the Quotation line and the Quotation group. These are only manageable from the quotation itself. For now follow these steps:
Open the quotations page.
Create a new Quotation
Add a configuration model to the quotation (For this lesson, it doesn’t matter which Configuration Model).
With every Configuration Model you add to the Quotation, you create a new Quotation Group. This will look like this:
Quotation line discounts
Within the quotation itself, it is possible to manually give a discount on specific quotation lines. You do this by opening the specific quotation group (to show the lines) and manually typing a percentage. This column is influenced by the Disallow Discount function you can set per Feature. If the Disallow function is activated, the discount option will disappear from the Quotation line.
Quotation group discount
Quotation group discounts can be given to a specific quotation group. For example: if you have 2 configurations on one quotation this means you have 2 quotation groups. It could be that you only want to calculate a discount on 1 model and not both, in this case, you can use the quotation group discount possibilities. There are 2 ways of applying a quotation group discount:
Apply discount - The first one is by Using "apply discount" under the actions button in the line of the Quotation group, here you enter a percentage that will be calculated on all individual lines of a quotation.
- Discount lines - Using discount lines (within the quotation group), When you open the Quotation group, you can find it on the bottom of the group. If you click on the “Add discount line” button a new Discount line will be created. In this line you can specify the description of the quotation line followed by the type of discount you want to apply. You can choose between a Sales Discount or a Purchase Discount. In the next column you can specify if the discount is applied on the price total excluding VAT. In the last columns you can specify a Discount Amount or a Discount Percentage. You can choose between either one, but it is not possible to apply a discount amount AND a discount percentage at the same time.
There is a functional difference between Option 1 and Option 2. When the discount is applied using option 1, the discount is only applied on the Quotation Lines that are allowed to get discount. The discount added by using option 2 is applied on the total price of the Quotation Group. Below an example:
Quotation Line 1 = EUR 100
Quotation Line 2 = EUR 100 + disallowed discount is switched on in the Feature.
Quotation Line 3 = EUR 100
Discount added by using option 1
Discount added by using option 2
Quotation discounts
Besides the quotation group-specific discounts there is also the possibility to give a general discount on a quotation. This discount will be calculated on the total price of the quotation and is functions the same compared to quotation group-specific discount lines, the only difference is that this one will be calculated over the total price of the quotation instead of the total price of a specific quotation group.
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