In the last lesson of this Module, we’re going to look at some other Settings that you need to know about when working with Quotations. When we’ve covered this, we’ve looked at all the possible quotation settings.
Quotation settings
The first thing we need to do, is navigating to the quotation settings. To do this, follow the steps below:
Open Elfsquad.
Go to the settings page.
Click on the quotations tab.
Quotation number
The first setting we’re going to look at is the Quotations Number. This setting allows you to change the next reference number in line. In the field of the next number, you can specify what will be the reference-number the quotation.
Up next is the formatted number. With that, you can specify the number format of your choice. For example by clicking on the Day, Month, Year and quotation# buttons, you can specify what quotation number will be generated by the EMS. If you create a new quotation, you can see that the new quotation is generated with the newly generated format. The next function is the reset period in which the quotation numbers will reset. These can be set to Daily, Monthly and Yearly. After that period, the quotation number will start back at 1.
Expire time (days)
Under these settings, is the expire time. This input field specifies how long a quotation can have the same status before it is archived. The input field is expressed in days.
Quotation group multiplier
The quotation group multiplier. If you enable this, you are able to change the amount of each quotation group after the Configuration is added to the quotation. In the image below you can see how this looks like. A input field appears in front of the quotation line. If the quotation group multiplier is deactivated this input field will not be visible.
With the quotation group multiplier deactivated
With the quotation group multiplier activated
Hide quotation discounts
You can hide the discount options on the quotations screen with this setting. These quotation discounts can be find by opening the Configuration. With the hide quotations discounts function, you can hide these in the quotations overview.
With the hide quotation discounts function deactivated
With the hide quotation discounts function activated
Hide quotation margin columns.
You can use this if you want to hide the margin columns in the quotation lines table. By default, margin columns are hidden behind the chevron button in the far right of the table.
With the hide quotation margin columns deactivated
With the hide quotation margin columns activated
Disable full seller overview.
You can enable this if you want sellers to only be able to view their own quotations
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