Formulas are the perfect tool for adding complex calculations to your Configuration Model. But not only calculations are done through formulas. How about sending information other than calculations from one Feature to another. Or to generate a dynamic text by using Text Expressions. All of these are generated by formulas in Elfsquad.
In this module we are going to look deeper into the most important formulas and how you can implement these within your Configuration Model. We're going to look into the following Formulas:
- OR and AND - These formulas are used if multiple conditions apply within the formula editor. For example, if you sell boats and some add-ons are only possible with a pre-determined configuration or multiple Configurations. The OR and AND formulas can help you to add logic to these Features.
- IIF-formula - With this formula, you can set an condition on a Feature. This allows you to specify what happens when these conditions are met or what happens it the case that they are not met.
- Math.Expressions - These formulas will help you with a wide range of calculation possibilities.
- Text Expressions - The Text Expression functionality allows you to use texts and values of the Features from your configuration to compose texts on the text field of a Feature.
In the upcoming module, we’re going to look into these formulas and how you can implement these into your Configuration Model. If you want to work along with me in your own environment, we advise you to create the Configuration Model from the document below:
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