If you want to add a different Configuration of the same Linked Model you can use the Multiple Instances function. In this lesson, we’re going to look into the function, and how to add this into your Configuration Model.
Multiple Instances
The multiple instances will add a possibility to add another copy of the Linked Model. Where the Multiplier adds the same Configuration multiple times, this function adds a new configuration of a Linked Model. This can be done multiple times to add multiple different Configurations to the Quotation. It is also possible to combine this with a Multiplier.
To add the multiple instances you follow these steps:
Open the parent model
Click on the Edit button
Click on the slider before Multiple Instances
Click on save
When you open the Configuration through the order entry, you see a new button has appeared. When you click on this, you will see that the Linked Model is added to the configuration. By Clicking on the pencil, you can configure this Linked Model. If you want to add another Linked Model, you click on the Add Conveyor 1 button. This Linked Model can be configured without affecting the first configuration.
Multiple Instances + Multiplier
It is possible to use Multiple instances in combination with a multiplier. If you add a Multiplier to the Multiple Instances, it is possible to configure Multiple Linked Configurations and add a configuration Multiple times to your Quotations without having to Configure the same Configuration over and over again.
To add a Multiplier:
Go to the Parent Model.
Click on the Edit button of the Linked Configuration
Turn on the Multiplier by clicking on the Slider.
When you look into your Configuration Model, you will see that you can change the Quantity of a Configuration you add to your Quotation. This will save a lot of time during Configuration.
Another setting that appeared when you turned on the multiple instances function is the Default Value. When you open a configuration with a set Default Value, there will be a default number of multiple instances. Note: you have to set linked model's relationship type to mandatory for this to work. You can also assign a formula to let the configurator calculate what the starting value should be for the multiple instances.
Combine Into Quotation Group
The last function we have to discuss is the Combine Into Quotation Group function. This combines all instances of this linked model into the parent quotation group. This setting can only be combined with the Multiple instances setting.
Note: When a multiplier and Multiple Instance are both turned on, this function is also not possible.
You now know how to implement the Linked Configurations into your Models. In next video we’re going to show you how to use Constraints and how the Linked Models can interact through Calculations.
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