Within Elfsquad it is possible to use Configuration models in other Configuration Models. We call this Linked Models or Linked Configurations. This functionality is often used when a produc comes with an option that has many suboptions itself and is like a Subconfiguration or where multiple configurable options are possible.
It is common that these additional options are available in multiple main Configurations. If the extra option is included separately in each main Configuration this creates a very intensive to maintain process. If the extra option is included as a Linked Model in multiple main configurations, only the Linked Model needs to be maintained. When the Linked Model is updated, this new version is also automatically updated in all main Configurations in which the Linked Model is included.
First, there is a possibility to create a project Configuration: A conveyor line where the straight sections of conveyor belt and conveyor belts in the form of a curve can be configured separately from each other and both can be added to the project conveyor belt overall.
Another Example: A machine 1 that is always configured with option A or option B, where in the options again different specifications can be chosen. Also, option A and B are used in machines 2, 3 and 4.
Linked Configurations make your configuration models easier to maintain. It ensures your Configuration Models will have thousands of Features. Linked Configurations also make it easy to add multiple of the same Configuration on a Quotation by using Multiple Instances.
In the upcoming module, we’re going to look at how we can implement a Linked Configuration and how you can create a Configuration Model that interacts with the options in its Sub-configuration using calculations.
Before we start, if you want to work along with this video we advise you to look at the document in the text below. In this document we show you how to create the Configuration Models we’re going to use in the upcoming videos. If you just want to look how to work with Linked Configurations you can proceed to the next video
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