We’ve made all the preparations to add the Dynamic Group to our LEGO brick Configuration Model. In this video, we are going to use those to make the Dynamic Group filter those Features based on our preferred criteria. In the last video we’ve made the Feature called "Result". We’re going to add the Dynamic Group to this Feature.
We always want to give the dynamic group a parent because the Dynamic Group as a Feature is limited, a Dynamic Group does not have its own name and no Filter or Condition can be set for a Dynamic Group. If the Dynamic Group has a clear Parent Feature, the Dynamic Group can be easily recognized and used in Formulas. So ideally the Dynamic Group is the only Feature under the Parent Feature, but it possible to add other Features to the Parent Feature.
We are now going to add a Dynamic Group to the 'Result' feature. You do this by clicking on the plus icon of the Feature Results and click on Add Dynamic Group in the dropdown. A pop-up window appears. From here you can select a Relationship Type in the Dynamic Group, for example, Alternative or Mandatory. Also, as with other Features, you can set the visibility.
We set the relationship to alternative and now set the filters for the Dynamic Group.
Scroll down until you see the filters. From here we can add the filters for the Dynamic Group. Click on Add Filter and select the Properties for WIDTH, COLOR and LENGTH and click on save. The properties are now added to the Dynamic group
To let the Dynamic Group filter the Features correctly, we still need to specify those filters. In the first dropdown behind WIDTH you can select value that the Dynamic Group has to filter with.
=> This icon means the value has to be equal of bigger than the feature property
= This icon means that the value has to be equal to the feature property
<= This icon means that the value has to be smaller or equal to the feature property
Next to this dropdown is another field. With this field you have to specify which value of a Feature the Dynamic Group has to filter with. Click on select Feature Value and then select the Feature that gives a value Input to the Dynamic Group.
You can also choose for the Input field which states; user selected. In this case the Dynamic Group filters with the value that the user has filled in, in the Input field. In this case we’re going to add a >= filter and then select the Feature value of the WIDTH feature in the Configuration Model.
Now we told the Dynamic Group that he has to filter every Feature with the WIDTH_LEGO Brick Property that is equal or bigger than the value that the user filled in during Configuration.
Because the Color Property is an Associated Feature Property, the filter selection look a little bit different. In this case, we don’t select anything in the first dropdown, as the user has to select which kind of color he wants. In the second dropdown we can select the parent “Lego Brick >> Color”. As we added the Feature Property to the child Features of this parent Feature.
The Dynamic Group is now done. Now let’s check in the how this looks in Elfsquad. You can now see that the results Feature shows all the possible Lego Brick combinations based on the number of studs and color that are filled in by the user.
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