In this lesson, we are going to work with the Roadmaster 100 configuration model. If you have not made this model yet, we kindly ask you to do so with the help of the Elfsquad basics Module.
Associated Features
You choose a Feature Property of this type when:
No calculations need to be performed on the values of the Feature Property.
No actions have to be performed on the values of the Feature Property.
The values of the Feature Property must be easily retrievable.
The value of a Feature Property of type: Associated Features can be selected from a drop-down list for each assigned Feature. This is because the values of the Feature Property are stored in the configurator as Features, hence the name: Associated Feature or Associated Feature.
A Feature Property of this type thus expresses a certain quality of features through other features. The associated feature then says something about a quality of the assigned Feature.
Creating Associated Features
In a previous module we have created several wheel caps for the Roadmaster 100 configuration model. In this lesson we are going to give these wheel caps a Feature Property. We will start with the Property: 'Color'.
From the left menu we click on Feature Properties under Masterdata. At the bottom right, we can create a new Feature Property via the 'plus button'.
We name this first Feature Property color_wheelcap and change the type to Associated Feature.
Under Associated Features we click 'Create new Associated Feature' and create the features: red, yellow and green.
Once we have done this we can assign the colors to the Features.
● Wheel cap 1 and 2 are colored yellow
● Wheel cap 3 en 4 are colored red
● Wheel cap 5 en 6 are colored green
We can do this in two different ways:
Behind the colors is the assign to Feature button. From there you can look for the appropriate Features and assign color yellow to the Feature.
If you open the Feature “wheel_cap 3” you will see in the Feature settings on the right side under category Properties:
If you click add property you can assign the Feature Property color_wheelcap and select the appropriate color via a dropdown.
Now follows an assignment: Give the wheelcaps another Feature with the Associated Feature type. You are free to add anything you like. You can add: Brand, for example.
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