Now that we have added the first 100 features to Elfsquad, we are going to create three properties, which we can then start assigning to the features we just created.
In Elfsquad we distinguish between 3 types of properties:
Associated features.
Creating feature property "Input"
We are going to create a feature property for each variant. Make sure you are logged into the add-in, then also open the data sheet feature properties, make sure you also have the sheet for features open.
Note: there are 2 sheets called feature properties, a data sheet and a power sheet, make sure you open the 'data sheet' feature properties and not the power sheet.
After you have opened the correct sheet we can start creating the first property. In the excel you downloaded earlier from the academy there is a second worksheet for the properties. Here you see the three properties with the corresponding value per feature.
Copy the name of the first property
Paste it in the appropriate column for name, in this sheet it is column H.
In column L "Type" put "Input".
Click on update changes
Create feature property "Associated Feature"
Let's create a second property, this is an associated feature property, which means we are going to use existing features within this property.
Open the data sheet "Feature properties".
First create the new property "Material" by putting the name material in column H
In column L put the type "AssociatedFeatures".
We now need to associate the features for material with this property this can be done in the sheet "associated feature properties". To associate features as associated features to property we need the IDs of the corresponding features and the property for material. Find the features for material in the datasheet features, when importing the features we gave them as customfield1 "material". So it is best to open the sheet features again but this time with a filter contains/equals on customfield1 called "material". If you then click open sheet you will see that only the features for material are shown.
Copy the IDs of the corresponding features into the sheet 'Features' in column L
Paste these featureIDs into column G of the sheet 'associated feature properties'.
Now we just need to add the correct property ID to this so that Elfsquad understands that these are associated features of the property Material.
Open the data sheet 'Feature Properties'
In column G, copy the ID of the property 'material'
Paste it into the data sheet 'associated feature properties' on each line of the corresponding materials in column H.
Click on update sheet
Assigning properties to features
Now we are going to assign the just created properties to the corresponding features. Open the 'Power sheet' feature properties, not the data sheet feature properties.
Note! That the data sheet 'feature properties' is removed from the toolbar, because the data and power sheets cannot be active at the same time.
When you have opened the power sheet you will see all your features vertically and all your properties horizontally. You can now copy and paste the data from the academy Excel data file into the appropriate lines in the power sheet feature properties. Finally, click update to finalize the changes.
In the data sheet of the academy there is 1 feature property called "length in meters". This is a property of type TEXT. Create this property in the add-in, give the property type TEXT and assign the values to the corresponding Features.
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