2D visualization - Image Order
In this section we are going to look at the order of the 2D images. The images you use will be on top of each other. It is of course important that the order of the images is correct.
In this part you are going to add the images for the inside.
Add the images for the interior.
Open 'Editor' > 'Step Editor' > 'Elfcar'.
Go to the step 'Interior'.
Click on 'Add image'.
Select the image for the navigation: Nav.png
Click 'Add Feature' and link the Feature Navigation to the image.
If you look at the visualization for the interior in the order entry you will see, after selecting the "Navigation" option, that it hangs in a vacuum. This is because no background has been added yet.
Add the background for the interior.
Open the 'Interior' step.
Click on 'Add image'.
Select the image for the background: Default.png
Click on 'Add Feature' and select 'Upholstery' > 'Brown'.
If you now view the interior of the Elfcar again in the Order Entry you will see the interior. Only if you select the navigation option, it will not be visible. This is because this image is behind the image for the upholstery.
Change order of images.
Open the step 'Interior' in the 'Step Editor'.
On the right side, the images of this step are displayed.
Change order of images.
Change the 2 for the background image ('Default.png') to 1. The image at position 2 is displayed over that of image 1.
Now if you go back to the Interior step in the Order Entry and select the navigation you will see that it does show.
After you also add the image for the beige upholstery (and select this choice during configuration), the background is no longer visible. This is because the Feature to which the background image ('Default.png') is linked is no longer selected. You can solve this by linking a background image to a Feature that is always active.
Now add the remaining images for the interior and options to step 3 'Interior' yourself.
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