What are Constraints?
Constraints allow you to add logic to your Configuration Model. This way you can determine whether or not certain options can be selected with each other. You set a Constraint by clicking on the numbers behind a Feature Node.
What Constraints are there?
Require - With a Require you can indicate that another Feature must be selected.
Exclude - With an Exclude you can indicate that another Feature is no longer selectable.
Calculated Value - With a Calculated Value you can indicate the value of a Feature. By default a selected Feature has a value of 1. But with a Calculated Value you can calculate other values, like length or content.
Filter Selection - A Filter Selection is similar to an Exclude, but is suitable if you want to exclude many Features. Only the selected features are available, all others are not.
Condition - A Condition allows you to set whether a Feature is selectable based on configuration choices. With a Condition you can add complex logic to your model.
The Constraints: Require, Exlcude and Filter Selection work from the Feature on which you set them on another Feature. Calculated Value and Condition work on the Feature itself.
Feature Nodes
Feature vs. Feature Nodes.
Features are the building blocks of a Configuration Model. The rules that are in a Configuration Model are Feature Nodes, a kind of containers that contain Features. If you make a copy of a Feature it remains the same Feature. So if you change the name of the Feature Roadmaster 100 then this change will be made in all places where the Feature Roadmaster 100 appears. A copy of a Feature Node creates a new Feature Node. Settings that apply to a Feature Node will therefore not be reflected on another Feature Node.
Settings you make on a Feature Node include Visibility, Behavior, and Constraints.
Add Product 2
First, create the Feature Product 2 under cold storage.
Select all Features under Product 1
At the top of the blue ribbon, click on "copy.
Now click on the plus next to Product 2 and select 'paste'.
Click on the gear icon behind Product 2.
In the display dropdown select Table row, Click 'save'.
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