Sub-organizations come with several perks. One of those perks comes in the form of multiple Pricing options per Sub-organization. Sub-organizations allow you to set margins and prices per configuration model and Sub-organizations.
Feature price with Sub-organization
When you open Elfsquad, there are multiple ways of managing pricing. We’ll start with looking at the Pricing on feature level.
Open a random feature.
Scroll down to the pricing section of the feature.
You can see that the Sub-organization that we’ve created in a previous lesson has appeared in the pricing section.
Within the line of the sub-organization can be set to your own liking. Below follows a description of the new options
Upvalue (%) - In the first column, you can set the Upvalue. You can set a percentage in which the feature should have an upvalue. For example, if we set the upvalue on 9% the price is automatically raised with 9%. For a feature, this can be set per Sub-organization. So the price per feature will automatically be calculated, based on the set upvalue.
Purchase Discount (%) - The Purchase discount is set in the same way. But as the name states, this will set a discount per feature. This column is also defined by a percentage instead of a price. You can see that the Costprice and the Margin that comes with this feature.
Allowed to sell - Within the Pricing Field there is another option. At the end of the line is a checkbox in which you can specify if a Feature is allowed to sell to a Sub-organization. This feature is an alternative for the exclude constraint. The 'Allowed to Sell' function can be used if, for example: a part of a configuration cannot be delivered to a country where a sub-organization is stationed.
Pricing on Sub-organization page
As we have seen before, we can also set a Upvalue and Purchase Discount on the Sub-organizations page. These fields apply on all Configuration models that are available to the sub-organizations. You can also set these options through the manage prices page. This can be found under Master Data.
Manage Prices Page
On the Manage Prices page, you can set the Sales price and the Margin. By clicking on the sellable button at the end of a line, you can set the Margin and the Puchase Discount per Sub-organization. You can also set these for features and Configuration models. You can switch between these two by using the buttons on the top.
As you can see, you can use a upvalue at multiple different levels. On a feature level, on a configuration level and on a sub organizations level. Elfsquad will use a specific order to calculate with these upvalues. For example: you have an upvalue on the organization an upvalue on one configuration model and an upvalue on a specific feature. Then the order is as follows: Upvalue on the feature comes first, it overrides the other upvalues. The upvalue on the configuration overwrites the upvalue on the organization and last you have the organization.
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