With a Dynamic Group, from your Configuration Model, you can dynamically search for items/options from your entire Feature Database in Elfsquad. By assigning filters and Properties to Features, you can ensure that the right Features comes up in your Configuration Model.
Including a Dynamic Group is ideal if you use Configuration Models that consist of large amounts of features. Imagine you are selling an engine for a car. The engine has multiple specific characteristics that can apply for different kind of cars. A Dynamic Group can filter the multiple Features in your Database, based on the different choices you've made during Configuration.
Another example: When building a dynamic Bill of Materials the Dynamic Group can also be useful. Like if article ABC is 5 times in your Bill of Materials but with 5 different colors. You already choose the color in your Configuration Model so the Dynamic Group can filter on this + any other Properties.
Or when create a catalog. If you give all Features that need to be in a Catalog the same Feature Property. When a Feature is later added to your Feature Database, you only need to give it that Property and not make any changes in the Configuration Model itself.
With a Dynamic Group, you search within your Feature Database for the Features with the right Properties. Using a Dynamic Group, the Features can be filtered out of all the Features and offered to the user. In the next couple of videos we’re gonna dive deeper into the Dynamic Groups and show you how to implement these into your Configuration Models.
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