On our Template we now have a listing of all the Quotationlines from the Quotation. These Quotationlines also contain information that is not relevant to our Output Document, such as the Feature Dimensions. This Feature is only used to add structure to the model, but does not contain any relevant information for the Quotation Document. There are two ways to make sure that the information is not available on the template.
Do not add to quotation: If we go back to the Configuration Model we can indicate in the Relationship Properties of the Feature that we do not want to add the Feature to the Quotation.
The Feature will not appear in the Quotationlines and thus also not on the Quotation Template. However, the setting 'Do not add to quotation' cannot always be used. Sometimes you have features that should be included in your Quotation because they have to be passed on to an integration, but which you do not want to show to the customer because it is not relevant information for the customer. Think of operations, such as a particular weld for the Roadmaster 100. This can be solved by using categories. You can also use categories if you want to show certain items/parts differently on your quotation.
Categories allow you to show information in different sections on the quotation document, by assigning Features to different Categories.
First we are going to create a category:
Go to Master Data → Categories
Click on the Plus sign in the lower right corner
Fill in the name Dimensions and click on save.
We scroll down and click on 'Assign Features' and choose Length and Height.
Click save and create another Category
We call this Category: Options.
We save the Category and go back to the Configuration Model.
We select the options Right Side Door and Left Side Door
In the blue bar at the top select 'Change category
Choose Options
Note: We have created two Categories, these will not automatically be reflected in the XML we have already downloaded, we therefore need to download and upload these again in Word. Every time a new category is created, the XML needs to be downloaded again.
Deleting additional XML
We now have two XML schemas in Word, but we cannot tell which one was added last. The last XML added is always at the bottom, but over time this can become a very long list. Within Word you can easily delete XML schemas. You do this in the following way:
In Word click: File and go to info
Click on Check for problems → Check document
Uncheck everything except 'Custom XML data' and click on check
Remove the XML data, all 'Elfskot Quotation schemas' have been removed.
Add the last downloaded schema again.
Adding categories to quotation document
Now that we have the correct schema we can find the categories in the XML. You can find the categories under Configurations > configuration and under Categories.
Categories: Configurations > Configuration
The categories that you find here contain the Quotation lines of a certain category of one Configuration on your offer.
Using an example we will show how this works. First we will empty the table on our document and fill it with the information from the categories:
In the XML we go to Configurations → configuration
we open the category dimensions and retrieve the description, the quantity and the UoM.
We select the whole row and right click on the dimensions category and click repeat.
Right click on the repeat and give it a label: Config > Dimensions
We save the template and upload it into Elfsquad to see the changes. The quote we are using has multiple configurations, but the template only has information from the first configuration.
Multiple Configurations
Because we would like to put all configurations on our template we are going to add an extra repeat. In lesson 2 we have already seen how we can show a table for each configuration, we are going to do that now too. We open the template again and turn on design mode again. We select the complete table and repeat it over Configurations → Configuration.
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