What are CRM Accounts?
On the CRM Accounts page, you can manage all the relationships and interactions your company has with (potential) customers. At the moment we don't see any relationships listed within our environment. It is important to make a distinction between CRM accounts and Contacts, a CRM account generally concerns a company and within a company (CRM account) multiple contacts can be managed.
Create CRM accounts
In the EMS, go to CRM Accounts and click on the plus in the lower right corner. We are now going to create a Seller/seller account.
Set the relationship type to Seller/seller.
Name the company Bodywork Group Elfsquad.
Complete the details further, with address information, an email address and a phone number.
We are now going to create a contact with this CRM account.
Click on the pen icon next to Contacts.
Enter your own name in the details.
CRM Account linked to user
We have now created a CRM account for the Seller. With this account we can select ourselves as Seller on the quotation, but it is also possible that this is filled in automatically when we create a quotation. For this we need to link the CRM account to our user account. To do this we click on Users in the left menu, here you can find the email address we entered to log in.
In the column CRM account, we see None. If we click on None under CRM account we will see the CRM account we just created, and we can select it. When we select the CRM account, in the overview behind our user data we can see that the company name Bodywork Group Elfsquad becomes visible and the column CRM contact is now also available. When we click on this we will see the details of the contact we just created under Bodywork Group Elfsquad. We click on it to complete the data.
It is not mandatory to add a CRM account to a user, a user can also create a quotation without a CRM account. Also, the email address entered with a CRM contact does not replace the user's email address or vice versa. A new user does not automatically get a CRM account and a CRM account does not have to be linked to a user.
Create another CRM account and set it to the relationship type Customer. Don't forget to set up a contact for the customer as well.
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