Hierarchy of a Configuration Model
Between Features in a Configuration Model, there is a certain hierarchy. This can be seen by indentation of Features. We call the hierarchy of a Configuration Model a structure and the Features in it Feature Nodes.
The structure and interrelationships between the Features are responsible for the behavior of the Features during a configuration, whether you can select certain Features or not.
Root Feature, parents, children siblings
The following terms are used to designate a structure. The hierarchy between Features is indicated by the terms parent, children and siblings. If we look at the example, the Roadmaster 100, which we have created so far, you can see these relationships.
RoadMaster 100 is the Root Feature of our Configuration Model, under this Feature all other Features hang. Roadmaster 100 is also the Parent of Dimensions and Dimensions is a Child of Roadmaster 100. These relationships keep repeating in a structure. For example, Dimensions is also a Parent of Length. Under Length are 2 Children, 5500mm and 8000mm, these are Siblings of each other. The hierarchy in combination with relationship type between Features determines the behavior of Features during configuration.
Relationship types
When you create a new Feature, you also specify what kind of relationship type it will have. If you want to change the relationship type of a Feature that you have created, you can do so by clicking on the icon for relationship type. Within Elfsquad CPQ you can use the following relationship types.
Mandatory, a Feature with relationship mandatory is always active. It cannot be selected.
Optional, Features of this type can be selected optionally. For siblings it is possible to select more than one.
Alternative, of siblings with type alternative always 1 but also only 1 feature has to be selected.
OR, for siblings of type OR at least 1 must be selected, but also more can be selected.
Moving features
If you want to move a feature within the structure you can do this by clicking on the 6 dots at the beginning of a line and then dragging the feature. It can be difficult to drag a Feature to another level within the structure. In that case, deleting the Feature and adding it again is often an easier solution. When you delete a Feature in a configuration model, it disappears from the model but it will still be present in your environment. On the Feature page you can remove a Feature from your environment.
Adding a feature
The Roadmaster 100 always has at least one side door, but can also have a side door on both sides.
Add the Feature Side door to Roadmaster 100, give it the relationship type Mandatory.
Add to the Side Door Feature two Features called Left door and Right door. Give them both relationship type OR.
The Roadmaster 100 can also be optionally equipped with a Toolbox, this can be on the left or right side. If a user selects the Toolbox option, then a choice of a Toolbox on the left or right is mandatory. Think carefully about which relationship types you want to use.
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