Create a new Configuration Model
Products are added to Elfsquad CPQ using Configuration Models. When creating a Configuration Model you can enter a name and code. A name and code do not have to be unique within Elfsquad CPQ. A code can be seen as an attribute of a Feature and can be used for logic. The code is usually not entered by the user, but can come from an integration for example. The first Feature that is in a Configuration Model is called the Root Feature. This is the Feature to which all other Features will be attached.
Create a new product.
Click on Master data > click on Configuration Model.
Click on the plus sign in the lower right corner.
Click on 'Add new Feature'.
Fill in Roadmaster 100 as the name.
Adding features
Features are the building blocks with which you build your Configuration Model. Features are very versatile. Features can be used to build choices into a configuration model. But Features are also used for structure, so that it is clear which choices belong together. For example a Feature for the dimensions of the cargo space, below which are then the choices that can be selected during configuration. In addition, a Feature can also represent an article that you are offering. During this course you will discover more and more possibilities of Features.
The cargo hold of the Roadmaster 100 is offered with different dimensions. For example, a choice can be made between length and height.
Create a Feature Dimensions.
Click on the plus sign next to Roadmaster 100.
Click on 'add new feature'.
Fill in Dimensions Cargo Space at name.
Click on 'save'.
In the dropdown relation type, select Mandatory.
Now add a Feature called Length to the previous Feature Dimensions. Perform the same steps as adding Dimensions, but now click the plus next to Dimensions.
The Roadmaster 100's cargo hold is offered in 2 different lengths namely 5500mm and 8000mm.
Create the Feature for 5500mm.
Click on the plus sign next to Length.
Click on 'add new feature'.
Fill in 5500mm at name.
Click on 'save'.
In the dropdown relation type, select Alternative.
Feature Tab
So far we have always added Features directly to our Configuration Model. However, Features are present within your entire environment. A Feature called width can of course apply to different products, or also occur multiple times within a product. Another way to add Features is in the Features tab under Master Data.
Create the Feature 8000mm in the Features tab.
Click on Master Data > click on Features.
Click on the plus sign in the lower right corner.
You will now see more input fields than before, but only enter 8000mm at the name.
Click on save.
The Feature 8000mm you just created is not yet part of your Configuration Model Roadmaster 100.
Add 8000mm to the Configuration Model.
Open Roadmaster 100.
Click on the plus sign next to Length.
Click on 'add existing feature'.
In the window that now opens you will see all the Features that are available within your environment.
Select the Feature 8000mm and add it to the Configuration Model.
In the upper right corner of the Configuration Model, you will see Preview changes. With this option it is possible to see what the model looks like in the Order Entry. Click Preview changes and then click Preview in order entry. You now see the model we just created where you have a choice of length. At the bottom right (sometimes you have to scroll down) you will see the button back to Configuration Model. In the assignment below you will expand the model.
Besides a choice in length, you can also choose the height of the cargo space. This is 2400mm or 2800mm. Add a Feature height under the Feature Dimensions Cargo Space and add the two different heights there.
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