In this video we will go over a step-by-step guide to install the Business Central Connector to set up an Integration with Elfsquad. This video is meant to set up the integration between Business Central and Elfsquad. In the next video we will show you some of the benefits of having a Business Central integration.
How to install the Connector
We start off with a step-by-step guide on how to install the Elfsquad Connector.
- Go to the Microsoft app source page.
- Use the search bar to search for the Elfsquad Connector.
- Click on the install button and follow the steps to install the Connector.
When you install the connector the Setup Wizard will take you through the installation.
First you have to link the Client ID and Secret of Elfsquad to business central. To get these, you have to add a new OpenId Client to your EMS. When you edit the settings of this OpenId Client, you will see the ClientId and Secret on the top of the window.
In the Setup wizard you have to use the ClientId and Secret to connect your Business Central to Elfsquad.
The next step is to define a customer configuration template. This template will be used when a Elfsquad Quotation is shot over from Elfsquad to Business Central with a non existing customer in Business Central. This template will be used to have all necessary fields filled when creating the customer automatically. When no template is linked to the configuration model in Elfsquad the ‘default’ configuration Item template will be used to create new configuration items.
We have to specify the settings for new Configurations. In the create new configuration item you have 3 different choices:
- Always: The system will always create a new item based on the Configuration No. Series
- If not found: The system will check for existing items based on the configuration item No. Field, if not found the system will create a new configuration item based on the configuration No. Series
- Never: The system will always check for existing items based on the Configuration Item No. Field
Fill in the other fields based on your own wishes. After clicking Finish, the background synchronization setup will be installed.
Elfsquad Setup
Opening your Business Central portal will show you the user portal. The power of Business Central are the many customization options. For now we’re going to look into the Elfsquad Setup. The Elfsquad setup is contains a lot of customization options for information transfer between Elfsquad and Business Central.
The quickest way to find the Elfsquad Setup console, simply search it through the Search function. The Elfsquad Setup holds multiple Customization options. In the list below we will go over some of the possibilities.
- Synchronization Setup
The system created all background setup but can be checked. In this page you can find all api mappings, and go to the log list for every entity.
- Create Job Queue Entry
This button creates background job for synchronization purposes
Opportunity ID (optional) + Integration Type
The opportunity ID field is optional. This field indicates the quotation property used to show the Business Central opportunity No. on the Elfsquad Quotation. The opportunity property ID can be retrieved from the EMS.
Open the Quotations Tab and go to the properties page.
Create a new property called "Opportunity".
When the property is created copy the ID from the URL and paste it in the Opportunity Property ID.
In the integration type field you have to specify one of the following options:
Item: Sales line will be inserted with one item based on the Elfsquad Quotation Grouped root line
Item (Extended Texts) : Sales line will be inserted with one item based on the Elfsquad Quotation Grouped root line AND all lines below the grouped root lines are added as comment lines in the Business Central Quotations
Assembly: An assembly item will be created with the necessary BOM. Working with Nested BOM is facilitated through separate quotation groups in Elfsquad. Important is that the raw materials (or semi finished) do exist in the ERP system when creating the BOM based on the grouped root lines. This means all quotation lines <> grouped root lines need to contain existing item codes in Business Central
Production: Same as Assembly item, but in addition a standard routing is created based on the default routing defined in the configuration Item Template and the quotation lines article codes found in the routing link code of the BOM defined in the Configuration Item Template
4. Configuration Item Parameters - The configuration item parameters has the same properties as we mentioned before. The configuration model feature can be linked to a feature property that will be used for creation of the configuration items.
To realize this we can create a Feature property in Elfsquad. For Example: You create a new Feature Property in Elfsquad. We call it. "BC Item Template". Make this a text property. You can copy the ID of this Feature property in the Configuration Item Template Feature Id field.
5. Default Customer Configuration Template - This is where the Default Customer Configuration template is selected.
6. Process via Job Queue: Lines in Quotation buffer will be processed automatically when this function is active.
7. Status filter: on what status Elfsquad Quotations are imported into the Quotation Buffer
8. Import Properties: Quotation Properties are imported in to the quotation buffer in a separate table and can be linked to BC Quotation through custom code
9. Import Discounts: Invoice Discounts are imported in to the quotation buffer in a separate table be linked to BC Quotation through custom code when this function is active.
10. Import Ship-To Address: when delivery address is different from sell to address in Elfsquad, Ship to codes can be created based on the Ship To Address No.
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