When working with pricing in Elfsquad, you have 3 different levels. There is pricing on a Feature level, on a Configuration level and on a Sub-organization level. In this lesson, we’re going to focus on the pricing on a Feature level. If you want to know more about pricing on a Sub-organization level, you can always watch the videos in the Sub-organization module.
Pricing on Features
On a Feature level, there are many possibilities to set the right pricing for your Features.You can set up a configuration model that suits your needs per sub-organization. With options such as Upvalue, Discounts and margins, you can set up a Configuration Model that suits your needs.
Open Elfsquad
Open a Feature (It doesn’t matter which Feature you open).
Scroll down to the Pricing Area.
Feature price table
For every Feature, you can set different kinds of Upvalues, Sales price and Purchase discount. In the list below you can find what effect every column in the table has on the price of the Feature.
- Upvalue: On Features, you have the possibility to give sub-organization specific upvalues. The purchase price will be calculated based on the purchase discount on a feature, sales prices will be calculated based on the upvalue percentages. Using this gives you the opportunity to differentiate between the prices of articles for each sub-organization, this could for instance be due to the fact some buy higher yearly volumes of this feature. Note: this only applies if you have access to Sub-organizations.
- Price: This is the Sales price. You can set this per Feature per Sub-Organization. When you set a purchase discount or a Upvalue, the Cost price will be calculated by using this Sales Price. When the absolute sales prices are activated you can also set these per Sub-organization.
- Purchase discount: With a purchase discount, you can set any discount on the Sales price. This field is expressed in percentages. It is good to know that you can set a negative discount. This would have the same function as a Upvalue. For example: if you set a Sales price of 100 euro and you set a Purchase discount of -10, the cost price will be 110 euro. If the percentages were set to 10 the price would be 90 euro. The purchase discount can be set per Sub-organization.
- Cost price: The cost price will be determined by the Sales price after the calculation with the Purchase discount and the Upvalue.
- Margin: In the margin column, you can see what the upvalue and discount margin is after calculation.
- Allowed to sell: With this function, you can determine if a certain Feature is sellable for a certain Sub-Organization. You can also determine if a Feature is sellable at all. When the checkbox is deselected a certain Sub-organization will not be able to see the feature during Configuration.
Disallow discount
On the bottom of the Pricing section there is another function: the Disallow discount. This option disallows a user to apply a discount on a quotation line. As you can see in the image below, you can see what happens when the Disallow discount is active on the feature.
Absolute sales price
You can also activate the absolute Feature sales prices for Sub-Organizations. This means you can define a Sub-Organizations Feature Sales Price with a value, instead of a % based on your sales price.
Important note: you can’t use this functionality with the Additional Group Margins functionality on your Quotations. When you accepted this no organization in your environment can see and use the Additional margin % fields anymore.
You can activate this setting through the settings page in your environment.
By activating this you can set a specific Sales price per Sub-Organization. On a Feature, this will look like this:
You can find more information about the Absolute Sales prices on our documentation page.
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