If you work with different sellers, they get their own environment within Elfsquad. But as a main organization, you may want to determine what a seller is and isn’t allowed to do with the quotations. Some of your sellers may be allowed to delete quotation lines or edit the line quantity and others do not. In this lesson, we’re going to look at how to set these permissions for your organization.
Allowed quotation actions
To allow seller accounts to be allowed certain actions, you have to follow these steps:
Open the EMS
Go to the settings page.
Click to the Quotations tab.
Scroll down to the 'Allowed seller quotations actions'.
From here you can see which action a seller is and isn’t allowed to perform.
Note: If you are working with sub-organizations you have to apply this to the environment of the sub-organization. You can do this by clicking in the upper left corner and to change the environment to the sub-organization.
As you can see there are seven pre-composed actions you can allow for your sellers. In the second column, the permissions are determined with the checkboxes. When a checkbox is blue, the action is allowed for the seller.
Delete lines - By unchecking this action only sellers will not be able to delete lines from a quotation
Edit line quantity - If you uncheck this action, sellers are not allowed to edit a line quantity
Add line to group - If this option is deselected, sellers cannot add a line to the existing lines
Change line order - If this option is unchecked, then it is not possible for sellers to change the order of the lines
Add Configurations - If this option is unchecked, it is not possible for sellers to add a Product Configuration to a quotation
Add Features - If this option is deselected, sellers are not allowed to add separate Features to a quotation
Copy Configuration - If this option is unchecked, it is not possible for sellers to copy a Configuration / quotation group
It is possible to set these permissions per sub-organization to make it possible that sub-organizations differ in Allowed actions. With this you can create an environment with an optimal workflow for your sellers.
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