Not only can you synchronize your Contact information, but you can also Synchronize articles from Exact Online to Elfsquad. It is also possible to link articles in Exact Online to existing Features in Elfsquad.
How to Synchronize Articles?
To link the items in Exact Online, there are some preparations needed. To do this, follow the steps below:
Open Exact Online
Navigate to the Items page via Inventory -> Items.
Click on overview.
Create a new Article.
We’re going to use this article in a Configuration Model for a bicycle in Elfsquad.
Create a Bicycle frame.
Note: Make sure that on the right side, the checkbox for webshop is checked. If this checkbox isn’t checked, the integration won’t send the information to Elfsquad.
In Elfsquad, we have to synchronize the Articles and Features. To do this, follow these steps:
Go to the integrations page in Elfsquad.
Click on the Sync button
The article you have just created in Exact Online will now be imported as a Feature in Elfsquad. This Feature is now usable in different Configuration Models.
Linking existing Features to Arcticles
Did you already create the item as a Feature in Elfsquad? Then make sure that the item number in Exact Online matches the item code in Elfsquad. The link will then recognize that it needs to link the Exact Online item with this Feature in Elfsquad. When a Feature is linked to an item in Exact Online, the price and description of the item from Exact Online is leading.
If you have problems synchronizing items from Exact Online read the article with a checklist on our support page: "My Exact product is not synchronizing to Elfsquad, why?"
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