In order to use Dynamic groups, we need to do some preparations. Using an example, we will show how to apply a dynamic group in Elfsquad. In our example, we will use a Lego brick. For the Lego brick you will have to specify the following properties:
The width of the brick by the number of studs.
The length of the brick by the number of studs.
The color of the brick
First, we need to create the configuration model Lego Brick. First we will create the properties that need to be configured of the Lego Brick.
Create a new feature with the name: Criteria.
Under this feature we will make the features: WIDTH by studs, LENGTH by studs and COLOR. Make all these features mandatory.
Under the color feature we will create four colors. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. All these features are alternative.
The features WIDTH and LENGTH are all input fields.
Click behind the WIDTH features and change the display type to input field. Do the same for the LENGTH feature.
We want the dynamic group to calculate with a specified number of studs. So we will give the features with an input field a minimum and maximum value. The minimal WIDTH of a Lego brick is 1 stud and the maximum WIDTH is 2 studs. You can also add a Unit of measurement. Add the Unit: Studs.
Now add the other values. The minimal LENGTH is 1 and the Maximum LENGTH is 6.
Now we need to make one last feature. This feature we call Result. In the next video, we are going to use this feature to add our dynamic group to.
A dynamic group filters out features with the specified feature properties from your feature database. The features itself don’t have to be added to the configuration model. This will make it easy to add or remove features like in the example of the Dynamic Bill of Materials. With Elfsquad you can just add or delete a feature without having to remodel the entire Bill of Materials.
Before we can proceed to the next step we have to make sure that the possible results are shown with the Dynamic Group. So, now follows an assignment:
Create the following Feature Properties:
Width_Lego Block
Length_Lego block
Make sure you set the types correctly.
The database filters the whole Feature Database, so you need to add the Features to the Database which will be used by the Dynamic Group to show the correct result.
With the document in the text below, you can check if you’ve created the Feature Properties correctly. Then create the Features that are also in this document and attach the correct Properties to the Features.
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