The Showroom module
The Showroom is an add-on, so it may not yet be in your subscription. If you do not yet have a Showroom, but are curious, feel free to look further.
Order Entry and Showroom
Both the Order Entry and the Showroom can be used to configure products. In principle there is no distinction between the products (but you can set this up with logic). The Order Entry is suitable for sales and configuration by internal sales agents and/or dealers. This can of course also be done with a Showroom, but it is also very suitable if you want to sell directly to customers.
In both Order Entry and Showroom 2D and 3D visualizations are available. The difference is that in Order Entry the main focus is on the Features. In the Showroom the emphasis is very much on the visualization.
Open showroom
If the showroom is part of your Elfsquad subscription, you have an additional tab called 'Showroom' in the menu in the EMS.
There you can also set the URL with which the showroom can be opened. You can choose the subdomain (the first part of the URL) yourself. The URL then looks like this; [subdomain]
It is also possible to link a Showroom to the domain of your own website.
A showroom with or without login
By default, login is required to use the showroom. This ensures that only your customers can use the showroom. This requires you to create accounts for the clients. A Showroom with login also shows prices by default.
It is also possible to have a Showroom without login. This way everyone with the URL can configure your Showroom. By default the prices of your products are not shown. It is possible to show prices here as well.
Tips for setting up Configuration Models in the Showroom
Sometimes you want to prevent users from having to click on multiple menu items before they reach the choice they want to make during configuration. You can do this by making the parent Feature no longer visible in the showroom. You can do this by clicking on the cog icon of a Feature Node in the Configuration model and setting the visibility of the Feature in the Showroom to hide.
If you want to let customers configure their own features, it can sometimes be useful to provide them with some additional explanation. One way to do this is to create an extra Feature and enter the text there. Then you just need to add this Feature to the appropriate step.
To hide a Feature in the showroom, click the cog icon of the Feature Node, and then the visibility to 'Hide in Showroom'.
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