3D Visualizations
With 3d visualizations, it is possible to see the configuration from all sides.
3D visualizations work both in the Order Entry and in the Showroom Module (the Showroom is an add-on). In the Order Entry, the 3D visualization is visible in the upper right corner of the screen. It can be enlarged to show more clearly what the configured product looks like.
Configuration Model Table
For the videos on 3D models, you are going to use a new Configuration Model, the Table. You still need to add this one to your environment. Below is a document that describes how to build the model. With your knowledge of Elfsquad Basics, this should work.
Download: Description Configuration Model Table
How do 3D models work in Elfsquad
Description Configuration Model Table Elfsquad works with over complete 3D models. You will see this later with the configuration model for the Table. The table is offered in different lengths. To show this during configuration, you need to upload different 3D objects for the different lengths in your 3D model. By linking the 3D objects to the correct Features only the correct 3D object will be visible.
Parametric 3D visualizations
With a parametric 3D visualization, the visualization can adopt all sizes exactly as chosen during configuration. The Configuration Model for the Table is offered in lengths from 200cm to 240cm. If the user himself can enter the length in centimeters, for example, you would thus need 41 different 3D models to show this for 1 shape of 1 material. This is not practically feasible. With the standard 3D visualization in Elfsquad you can therefore better upload a number of 3D objects that correspond to most lengths. In the Configuration Model for the Table, a table object of 200cm and a table object of 240cm will soon be used. If the user enters a length closer to 200cm, the model for 200cm will be displayed. If the value of the length is closer to 240cm, the object will be shown for 240cm.
If you do want to configure parametrically, you can do so with the add-on Third Party Visualizations. This makes it possible to use 3D viewers of other providers within Elfsquad. If you want to know more about this please feel free to contact us. This lesson on 3D visualizations focuses on our own 3D viewer.
If you want to know more about Third Party Visualization please click here.
Linking 3D objects to Features or to Feature Nodes
When linking 3D objects to Features, this Feature will always have the same 3D object in all places. It is then not possible if a Feature is used in different Configuration Models to link a different 3D object to it per Configuration Model. However, you can do this in the case where the 3D objects are linked to Feature Nodes. It is then possible to assign to a Feature in different Configuration Models, different 3D objects.
Note: The video mentions that the default setting is for 3D objects to be linked to Features. This is no longer the case. By default, this setting is set to Feature Nodes. This is more convenient in most cases. If you want to change this to linking to Features you can of course change this in the settings.
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