The step editor
The Step Editor is used to divide your Configuration Model into steps. This provides more overview, and is very useful if you have a large Configuration Model. You can also use the Step Editor to add visualizations, 2D images or 3D models. The visualizations can be combined with or without multiple steps.
Click Editor > Step Editor, to find an overview of all your Configuration Models.
Adding steps to the Elfcar
Go to Editor > Step Editor.
Open the Configuration Model: 'Elfcar'.
Click on 'Click here to create a step'.
Now enter 'Rear Exterior' for the name of the step, and click save.
Add Features to the step 'Rear Exterior' by clicking on 'Add visible Features'.
Select the Features 'Model' and 'Color' (the children of these features are automatically added to the step), save the selection.
If you now look at the Elfcar in the Order Entry you will see the step 'Exterior rear' and a step called 'Additional Options'. The step 'Additional Options' is automatically added if there are Features that are not already attached to a step. So you can avoid the 'Additional Options' step by attaching all Features to a step, or by hiding them during configuration.
The step editor for visualizations
The step editor is also used for adding visualizations (2D or 3D) to your Configuration Model. When you create a step you choose what type of visualization. Within Elfsquad we currently have the following options.
Hotspots (2D). This allows you to add 2D renders. Renders are a good choice if the visual aspect is very important.
3D. This is our own integration of the Autodesk viewer. With this it is possible to view a Configuration Model from all sides during configuration.
Third party visualizations. We also offer the possibility of integrating 3D viewers from other providers. Want to know more about the possibilities of third party visualizations please contact us.
- Cards (showroom only) (pre-release). This type is still under development but can already be used. This type is only available in the showroom. If you choose this type the Features on the left side of the Showroom will disappear. The Features are then shown in large cards in the full screen.
Now add 2 more steps of your own. The first called 'Front exterior ' the other 'Interior'. Add the features 'Tires' and 'Rims' to the 'Front exterior' step. Add 'Upholstery' and 'Options' to the 'Interior' step. This will ensure that you no longer see a 'Additional options' step during configuration.
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