In the first assignment we saw that in the Placeholder's place there will be a piece of data, for example QuotationNumber, displays the quotation number of the current quotation, which is always 1 number per quotation.
Now we want to retrieve information from the configured item, aka our Quotationlines. The Quotationlines contain several similar pieces of data. We add the following table to our document:
In the XML, we can find the corresponding Placeholders under Configurations > Configuration > Lines. We add the Placeholders again in the right place as 'Plain text'. After doing this, we upload the template back into Elfsquad and see what happens when we print out the document. We see that only the first line of Quotationlines is visible and the lines below are not.
When a Placeholder is added, it always searches for the first available data and when it finds it, the document stops searching. Only one entry is then shown on the document.
Since we would like to show all the lines, we have to use a repeating. With a repeating, after the first data is filled, the document continues searching until no more data is available.
We go back to our document.
1. We select the entire line. Note that there must be a small area behind the table/area that is also highlighted.
You can select the entire line by standing with your cursor to the left of the table. The cursor will be mirrored when you are right in front of the line. If you then click with your left mouse button, the whole row will be selected.
Select all cells by clicking with your left mouse button in the first cell, holding it and dragging it to the last cell.
2. In the XML scheme we go to the group we want to repeat, in this case we retrieved the data from the lines. We right click on Lines and choose 'insert content control'.
3. We don't see the options we saw before (e.g. 'formatted text' and 'unformatted text') now, but we do see the option Repeating. We choose this option and we now see that two blue blocks appear at the beginning and at the end of the line. This is how you can tell that a section will be repeated.
You can't see what a section will be repeated on. We can change this by giving the repeating a label. You can do this by right-clicking on the right inner blue flag and choosing 'properties'. In the title you can then specify where the repeat comes from, for example Lines or Configuration > Lines
We save the template again and upload it again in Elfsquad. We go to the quotation and run the template again, we now see all the Quotationlines on the Quotation Document.
Repeating Configurations
We now repeat all Quotation lines of one configuration. If we add another Roadmaster 100 to our quotation and print out the template, we will only see the first configuration in our quotation document. If two configurations are added we would also like to see two tables on our document. We are going to do this in the following way:
1. We select the complete table and again make sure that we also select a line below the table. We do this so that the next table is not joined tothe first table.
2. We now go in the XML to a level above lines → Configuration and we right click on 'add content control'.
3. Then click on Repeat.
Give the repeat a title and upload the template into elfsquad and run it. Add some additional configurations to the quote and see what happens.
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