What is a Condition?
Earlier we saw that with a Require, Exclude and Filter the Feature the constraint is on impacts other Feature nodes. For example, an Exclude on top flap makes it impossible to combine it with hinges.
A Condition works the other way around. Conditions only impact the Feature node they are on. In the case of the Top Flap and 270 Degree Hinges, you could replace the Exclude on Top Flap (to 270 Degree Hinges) with a Condition on 270 Degree Hinges.
A Condition is set according to the value of the Feature. A Feature, without an input field, is binary and has a value of 0 or 1. The Feature is either on (1) or off (0).
A Feature that is on has a value of 1 in the following cases:
A Feature selected from a row of alternatives;
An optional Feature that is checked;
A mandatory Feature.
If this is not the case, the Feature is not selected from the group of alternatives or not checked, then the Feature is off and has a value of 0.
If a Feature has an input field then the value of the Feature is equal to the fill-in field, for example, the Feature length has a value of a number between 5500 and 8000.
Setting a Condition
We go back to our model the Roadmaster 100. It is possible to add 2 products to the cold storage. Only if the truck has a length of less than 6000mm it is not possible to transport more than 1 product. Therefore we are going to set a condition on product 2.
Product 2 may only come up if the Feature length has a value greater than 6000.
Behind the Feature product 2, click on the last zero below the Constraint Condition.
Add a new Condition.
In the Formula Editor, add the variable Length.
Retrieve the variable Length by typing an @.
To indicate that product 2 should only come up if its length is greater than 6000, we enter the following formula: @Length > 6000.
If we now click on 'Preview Changes', we will only see product 1 under Cold Storage. If we set the length to 7000 we will also see product 2 appear.
We are going to create another Condition. We will add the Feature Strip Curtain to the options of the backside. The Feature Strip Curtain is only possible if the Back Doors are selected. We will therefore set a Condition on the Strip Curtain.
Behind Strip Curtain, click the last zero below the Constraint Condition.
Add a new Condition.
Select the variable Rear Doors.
The Feature Strip Curtain may only pop up if the Feature Back Doors is on. The Feature Back Doors is an alternative and can be on or off, a value of 1 or 0. We therefore enter the following Condition: @Backdoors <> 0.
Tip: < > means 'is not equal to' or the value must be both less than or greater than x (in this case 0).
If the Feature Rear Doors is chosen and has a value of 1 the Strip Curtain option also comes up.
Toolbox Right is only available if the Feature Side Door Right is on. Set a Condition to Toolbox Right.
Tip: This is done in the same way as the Condition on Strip Curtain.
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