Relationship Properties of Features
When we edit our Configuration Model, we see a gear behind each Feature Node called the Relationship Properties. With the Relationship Properties we can make changes on the Feature Node (specific location) of the feature.
Visibility of Features
When we open the Relationship Properties we see two settings in the top section: Visibility and Display. With Visibility, we can make a Feature invisible in certain places in the Order Entry and/or Showroom.
Hide in order entry: this means that while configuring in the EMS you will not see the Feature.
Hide in overview (showroom): this means that you will not see the Feature in the overview of the showroom. After you have configured a model in the Showroom you will see an overview.
Hide in showroom: this means that you don't see the Feature while configuring a model in the showroom.
Display of Features
With the Display setting you can change how you want to visualize a set of Features in the Order Entry or the Showroom. The Display Type is always set to the Parent Feature to be visible. For example, the Parent Side Door, has two Children: left side door and right side door. Set the desired Display Type to Side Door.
Standard: This is the display type that the Features are set to by default. In the Order Entry, you will see the Features listed below.
Card: This is the most visual option. it creates a Card. This view is especially suitable if you have given the Features images.
Dropdown: With this view, all the options behind the Parent are listed in a dropdown menu.
Searchbar (dialog/no dialog): A Search bar Dialog shows a search bar in the model where you can look up the Feature. With Dialog, the moment you click on the search bar, a dialog with the Features opens. With Search bar No Dialog, you see the Features in the model itself.
Table Row: With the Table Row function you can put several Features next to each other in a table. This option is not possible in the showroom.
Setting the Table Row
The Roadmaster 100 has an optional cold storage. To determine the thermal specifications of the cold storage, we would like to know from the customer what products he wants to transport in the cold storage. First of all, we add to the Roadmaster 100 the Feature Cold Storage.
Under Cold storage, we add Product 1. To Product 1 we add the features Minimum temperature, Maximum temperature and Type of product. For the Temperature fields, we want the user to be able to enter a value. To make the Features Minimum temperature and Maximum temperature a fill-in field, set at Values (after opening the Feature) a number for the minimum and maximum value of these fields.
Minimum temperature: min value 5 degrees and max value 10 degrees.
Maximum temperature: min value 10 degrees and max value 15 degrees.
Type of product we give the children Carrots, Potatoes and Onions.
Then we open the Relationship Properties of Product 1 and set it to Table Row.
Earlier we created the Feature Wheel covers. We want to set the different hubcaps to the display type Cards. Set the features correctly and see how this looks in the order entry.
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