General settings of a feature
So far we have only given a name and code to Features. But you can add much more information to Features. Open Roadmaster 100 and click on the Feature Length. A new screen opens showing the details of the Feature. We change the Code to Length01. Codes do not have to be unique, but we recommend this. You almost never fill in the Reference yourself, this is usually done by an integration, for example from your ERP.
Setting up the card image
To the right of the Feature name, we can enter an image. This image will be placed in the model with the Feature. Under Coursefiles you see an image of a Roadmaster 100. Open the Feature Roadmaster 100 and add the image. You can scale the image by scrolling your mouse.
Save the Feature and go to Configuration Models. You will now see the image of the Roadmaster 100 next to the model.
Fill in the feature texts
Description: Description is the external name or sales description that you can give to Features. We fill in the description Length Truck.
Extended description: An Extended Description gives more information about a Feature. Fill in the desired length of your truck under Extended description.
More information: At More Info, you can add PDFS next to the extra text. Add the PDF from the course files. The More Info appears in the configuration model through the "i".
Quotation text: At Quotation text, you can add text for the output document. This text does not appear in the configuration model. We will leave this text blank for now.
Now save the Feature, and click Preview Changes to see the differences.
Setting Values
To turn a Feature into an input field, you need to set a minimum, maximum, or both values. We now want customers to be able to enter the length of the cargo area. The cargo area must be at least 5500 mm and has a maximum of 8000mm.
Click on the Feature Length.
At Min Value, enter 5500.
Fill in at Max Value 8000.
Fill in at Step Value 1000, we want to round the length to whole meters.
Click Unit of Measurements and create a new Unit of Measurements, enter mm for Code and Millimeters for Description.
Save the Feature, under the Feature Length we still have the children Features 5000mm and 8000mm, remove these Features. Click Preview Changes to view the changes.
Setting prices
The Roadmaster 100 is currently free, but we are going to change this. Open the Root Feature Roadmaster 100 and give it a price of €10,000 and save the Feature. Our model now has a starting price of €10,000, a Left Side Door has an additional price of €100. Open the Feature Left Side Door and give it a price of €100,-.
Save the Feature and review the changes.
For the Roadmaster 100, the user can choose wheel covers. In the course files, you will find information on 6 different hubcaps, hubcap 1 to 6. Add these Siblings under the Parent Wheel covers. Complete the Feature with all available information.
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